
Safety-Frame Segment - Vintage Airstream Restorations and Repairs

Vintage Airstream Restorations and Repairs


Knowing the importance of experienced professionals, VARR (Vintage Airstream Restorations & Repairs) has assembled some of the best craftsman to EVALUATE, DESIGN, and RESTORE each uniquely hand crafted “silver bullet” Airstream. We provide the following services: Custom Fabrication, Frame Off Restoration, Floor Repair and Replacement, Body, Chassis and Aluminum Skin Repairs, Leaky Window Repairs, Stereo and TV Installations, Custom Upholstery (including awnings), Aluminum Polishing, Interior Design and State of the Art Appliances, Custom Light Weight Cabinetry, Replacement Parts, Wholesale Buying and Selling, Transporting.

Restoration costs vary, it all depends on your Vision. Visit our website at: or Call Gene at (435) 654-5465.

