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This Could Be the Year!

Knowing that the trailer travel world is hot as a pistol, I am anxiously awaiting the news that will help the adventurer go even deeper into the forests.

With the advent and now the perfection of Wi-Fi and solar and more accurate gadgets to come, the family including “grandma” will easily be capable of dramatic exploration and independence in the wild.

Lithium batteries are in place to be a large part of the next generation off the grid power. The black box is now shrinking in size while it ups the ohm’ s. A hot meal today is not out of the question for your spouse let alone for three of your neighbor kids while camping outdoors.

MIT has several independent experiments on the tracks warming up the start of another “on and off” high voltage capability.

Whether we look at camping or just the great outdoors we are, obsessed with the “what if”.

All I know is that this year is going to bring us all closer together without creating conflict while we breath a purer mountain air further away from our cities.

Gene Magre
VARR, Inc.
Vintage Airstream Restorations & Repairs
843 South Main Street
Heber City, Utah 84032
tel: 1-435-654-5465


